Industry Leaders
Simple. Easy. No Fuss Solution.
Say goodbye to payment processing fees.

Paymantis main illustration on website header

Paymantis is making
the convenience part easy again!

People smiling illustration


With the cash discount solution!

Ever wonder why the merchant gets stuck paying what is essentially a convenience fee?

Counting tools, desktop tools
Cash is a king, coin illustration

Well we did...
And because cash is king!

It gets rewarded. Customers will be incentivized when choosing to pay in cash instead of incurring a convenience charge when using debit or credit.

You will no longer bear the burden of merchant account fees.
The customer will pay their own fees without you having to be inconvenienced.


monthly payments
processing fees


monthly savings for most merchants


hidden fees
transaction costs
annual rate increases

More money for you and your business.

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